Going Slow-Mo !

Will the new Slo-Mo camera be able to divide the frames at its best to caputure a perfect Slo-Mo pic ?

The next gen of PC gaming is here !

Has AMD really done something to take the PC gaming into next level ?

Hyper-velocity stars

Do shooting stars really exist ?

The all new Sony Xperia C4 is now at Stores

Will it prove to be better than the other Sony Xperia Mobile Devices ?

Getting rid of friction by nanoengineering

Is it a bane or boon going without friction ?

The Successor of Oneplus One coming soon

How different is it from Oneplus One ?

Monday, February 27, 2012

The All-in-one gadget!

Comes here the All-in-one gadget from Fujitsu that accommodates every demanding object inside it! Read more!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

New way to preserve coral reefs!

Now sea cucumbers to protect and preserve coral reefs!Read more!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Telepathy Machine!!

Can a thought reader be developed?

Notion Ink Adam II

Here comes the tablet with the golden ratio and many more salient features. Read More>>

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bio-compatible quantum dots

Tumors imaged through bio-compatible quantum dots. Read more>>

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